Abhinay Omkar

/ abhiomkar@


Meal AI

Project codenamed Meal AI. Lets users generate weekly balanced meal plan for given ingredients. Built with NextAuth.js, Next.js app router, TailwindCSS, Prisma ORM, and Postgres.


Abhinay Omkar’s personal site built with Astro.


Abhinay Omkar’s personal site built on Next.js

Good Quotes

Chrome extension to replace new tab page with inspirational quotes. Shows inspirational quotes on new tab.


Chrome extension to summarise articles and ask follow-up questions using LLMs such as OpenAI’s GPT (Chat GPT). Directly uses your OpenAI API service. Helps summarise and highlights main points of any article, without having to read the whole article. You can also ask follow-up questions about the article, and it will provide you with answers based on page contents of a current tab.

Check Contrast

Contrast checker app. Choose foreground color and background color below to check color contrast. Fix contrast ratio by clicking on Fix button when failed.


Compile Sass on the browser. Playground to author Sass on the browser and see it compiled to plain CSS.

Emoji lookup

Emoji lookup app. Everyone has their own meaning of what particular emoji means. Add your custom notes to an emoji or lookup by crowdsourced keywords.


Abhinay Omkar’s personal website built on Nuxt.js


Tiny JavaScript carousel library with horizontal scrolling and all the goodness.


Abhinay Omkar’s personal website built on Flask.


bringing npm like behavior to pip including init & save.

Flask React

Boilerplate to create a simple web app with Flask and React. Other fontend libraries included Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, Lodash, Require.js & Font Awesome.

Whois Home

Get a notification on your iPhone/Android when someone enters or leaves your home. Currently running on my RasberryPi machine.

Heroku Flask

Flask starter kit for Heroku


Chessboard Multiplayer built using Firebase real-time database.


Boilerplate to build large scale webapps with Angular + ES6 + PostCSS + Bootstrap + Webpack + Gulp + BrowserSync + Express.js


Fun countdown show that I made for 2016 New Year Party.

Save Martian

Fun app that demonstrates communication of astronaut Mark Watney - The Martian using hexadecimal system with Pathfinder. from NASA. Inspired from move The Martian.


Google Images like photo gallery with pure JavaScript.


JavaScript library that makes the number transition smooth on increment or decrement.


Minimal wordpress theme for real programmers & hackers.

Pingpong game

Pingpong game with Phaser.js. Created during #JSChannelConf


Simple Contacts REST API service that are used to create, read, update and delete contacts to plain CSV file. Built using Flask App.


Broadband Meter (Codename Dsum). Records Data Received / Data Sent (in Bytes) periodically to a persistent database. Initial requirement from my roomies :-) on who is downloading how much ;-) Code for Fun!


Traffic Lights - User Powered Traffic Information System. Built using Django, PostgreSQL and Google Maps API. Made during Yahoo Hackathon.


PHP Client Library for the surbl.org blacklists.


Get videos from Youtube and sync to iPod. Download your Youtube Playlist / Favorite Videos in mp4 format to import them to your iTunes Video Library.


Flickr Backup Tool. This will download all public Flickr photos to your current directory.


IRC Chat Bot that can google, fetches chat logs, greets users, read debian package info, integration with delicious links and more.